Tag Archives: DNA2

DNA² – Anime Review

Japanese Title: DNA2: Dokoka de Nakushita Aitsu no Aitsu


Similar: Video Girl Ai

Tenchi Muyou!


Watched in: Japanese & English

Genre: Science Fiction Comedy Romance

Length: 12 episode + 3 OVA



  • So bad, it’s funny.
  • The rubbish acting and art make this even funnier.


  • Looks and feels old.
  • Every cliché in the ecchi book.
  • If you don’t find the badness humorous, this will be awful.

DNA² may be the silliest anime in existence. We have DNA hunter, Karin, sent from the future to stop mega-playboy Junta from fathering a hundred children that led to the overpopulation of the world. However, Junta isn’t a playboy; in fact, he’s allergic to girls and vomits at the slightest sign of skin.

In trying to shut down his DNA with a special bullet, Karin accidentally shoots him with the very bullet that awakens his inner playboy. Now, he sporadically transforms into a playboy capable of charming any girl. Karin must return him to normal or she won’t get her dream house in the future!

Naturally, all the girls start falling over him. We have the usual cast of girls here: first, there is Saeki, the hot girl that mocked Junta when his was an ordinary loser; second, Ami the childhood friend who secretly loves him and is immune to his playboy seduction; third, and this is brilliant, Kotomi, a girl who farts whenever someone pays attention to her. Of course, Karin can’t resist Junta’s charms for long either. Ryuji, popular rich guy and ex-boyfriend to Saeki, hates Junta’s newfound magnetism and plays the antagonist.

Expect to see many nosebleeds, vomit sessions, breast grabs, face-to-rear trips, blushes, misunderstandings, and compromising situations. DNA² doesn’t have much more to it than that. There are no surprises to be found here, unless you count constantly sillier scenarios with each episode.

DNA² is a stupidly entertaining and often comically risqué anime – some gender bending thrown in for good measure. It’s cheesy, it’s silly, and it made me laugh.

Art – Low

Even for its time, DNA² didn’t look great. However, because of the show’s silliness, this isn’t a problem. Atrocious character design – DBZ-style protagonist? No thanks.

Sound – Medium

Sub-par acting. Tomoko in English sounds hilariously bad. Deadpan – ‘Oh no, please help me. Ahhhhh.’ The worse English track is funnier; once an anime goes bad, you want to go as bad as possible for maximum entertainment. Most overdramatic music for the slightest drama.

Story – Low

DNA²’s story of a woman sent back in time to stop a mega-playboy from overpopulating the world is a silly if entertaining experience.

Overall Quality – Low

Recommendation: Get a few friends together, sit back, and laugh at this stupid anime DNA² over a slice of pizza.

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Awards: (hover mouse over each award to see descriptions; click award for more recipients)

Positive: None


Ear Grating Voice WorkUgly Artistic Design